Sultana build log – Part 68

The ship’s bell can be found on the back of the mainmast.

3D printed ship’s bell

These cleats on the bulwarks are for the foremast running backstays. There is no way I will be able to reach them once the shrouds are in place, so I attached some line and left a length sufficient (I hope) to rig the backstays later.

Bulwark cleat

Here is a picture of that particular cleat on the actual ship.

Bulwark cleat on the actual ship

Finally the masts were glued in and the trestle trees on top of them. The mainmast trestle tree has a platform for the radar.

Masts glued in

Here is the 3D design for the trestle tree.

Trestle tree 3D design

Next time, the shrouds.