I attached blocks and line for the tiller. This was my first time using the Syren 2mm blocks. Manipulating them and threading line through them was a big challenge. There are some other areas of the ship that call for these small blocks and I’m not looking forward to it.
Sultana build log – Part 65
The bowsprit cap was glued onto the end of the bowsprit. I attached one heart and two deadeyes for the bobstay and bowsprit shrouds respectively.
Sultana build log – Part 64
Some work on the bowsprit and jibboom has been completed. Chocks were added to the bowsprit and sections were painted black where appropriate. The bowsprit cap was 3D printed and an eyebolt was added to hold a block for the jibstay outhaul.
Sultana build log – Part 63
I have been trying to think about what final details I can add to the model while it is still easy to do so. Once the shrouds and other rigging is in place, it will be much harder to fix anything on the deck.
I stropped several blocks and lashed them to eyebolts on the deck.
Sultana build log – Part 62
All the cleats have been added to the foremast.