Checkerboard cookies

The checkerboard cookies are good for making an impression.

Checkerboard cookies
Checkerboard cookies

I used the vanilla and chocolate cookie recipe from King Arthur. However, I have found that the dough is somewhat easier to handle if the amount of butter is reduced. One batch each of vanilla and chocolate is required.

Dough for checkerboard cookies
Dough for checkerboard cookies

The key is to apply precise measurements and cuts to the dough in order to form the pattern. Begin by rolling out each color of dough, and laying one on top of the other. Both doughs must be rolled out to the same thickness. Now cut off the excess. It is essential at this point that the combined dough is exactly four times as wide as it is high.

Checkerboard cookies - step 1
Checkerboard cookies – step 1

Cut lengthwise and stack one piece on the other.

Checkerboard cookies - step 2
Checkerboard cookies – step 2

Cut lengthwise again into four equal pieces.

Checkerboard cookies - step 3
Checkerboard cookies – step 3

Stack the four pieces, with every other piece rotated 180 degrees.

Checkerboard cookies - step 4
Checkerboard cookies – step 4

Carefully slice off the individual cookies. Excess dough can be turned into marbled or other shapes and patterns.

Checkerboard cookies ready to bake
Checkerboard cookies ready to bake