I’ve decided to go with the bulkheads at the bow that are perpendicular to the false keel. I have added some extra pieces at the bow. Blue lines are fairing lines that will be scribed onto the pieces
Shapes of the stem, keel, sternpost, and rudder were traced from the inboard profile image.
Bulkheads at the points where the deck level changes were doubled up so that there will be good surfaces where deck planks start and end.
There is also a cutout now, partially obscured in this picture, for the hatchway ladder that goes down into the hull.
And so here is what everything looks like at this point.
Still to be done:
- design the transom end piece
- it might be nice to laser cut the cap rail at the bow
- add guide marks for the wales and any other useful reference marks
Then it’s a matter of exporting each element as a DXF and arranging them for the laser cutter.
I need to decide soon whether I want to use basswood sheets or some harder wood. Because there are limitations on the width of hardwood sheets, that will affect how I can arrange the pieces for cutting.